About us

Most of us love shoes. That much is obvious. We are normally attracted to catwalk fashion and end up getting a gorgeous pair or two for ourselves. But when we wear it constantly for a day or two, these shoes usually just hurt so bad that we wish we didn’t buy them. Fashion shoes are not meant for comfort, or so they seem.
Yet when we look for something more comfy for our feet, it’s not easy to embrace the designs and colors of typical comfort shoes available in the market either. Often we wonder why these shoes have to look so ugly. Well…the truth is that you might end up buying one anyway if you’re desperate enough for comfort, but you probably wouldn’t go outside wearing it. Rather, you’d probably be wearing one of those fashion shoes that look great but hurt your feet as you go outside, and the whole vicious cycle would begin again.
In case you are wondering how we know about this…well, we have been there! We love beautiful shoes but weren’t able to find a single pair of shoes with decent combination of design and comfort. We know that the market needs this as much as we do, so we decide to develop and launch our own brand of comfort shoes that does the job, and this is how Klas & Sylph is born.
Klas & Sylph has a wide range of fabulous designs available in both vibrant and classic colors. Together with our signature “Burlin Sole” – an orthopedically contoured midsole embedded with arch support, flexible toe spring, and heel cup, Klas & Sylph can potentially become an everyday comfort for your feet, making you look great and feel great at the same time.